dimanche 30 avril 2017


It is the last Sunday of the month, it's time for WIPOCALYPSE hosted by Melissa


My goals for 2017 are to work on : keys/poppies themes/goose game/

Goose game was the main work I already posted, as the April showers from Kerry's Theme-a-Stitch gave me a significant boost with the water theme.

So, it's a Work In Provence post...

I just came back from some holidays. I had to choose some works to bring with me
not the complicated one or with many patterns, threads, fabric to put in the suitcase.
I bring three projects : one WIP  I could stitch in the car :

Marché de Noël - Brin par brin
Cupcakes shop
avancée sur le stand
des cupcakes du marché
de Noël

one mysterious Halloween project (kept for the U TAC shoehorn post for the first Saturday of May)

and a new start, a small one which needed very good light (supposed a better one in the sky of South of France!)
et un nouvel ouvrage, petites croix nécessitant une très bonne lumière (supposée meilleure sous le ciel de Provence)

A stitching from Mr X-Stitch I saw on Jo's Blog Serendipitous Stitching, Mona Lisa,
Une broderie remarquée chez Jo de Serendipitous Stitching, la Mona Lisa de chez Mr X-Stitch

Mona Lisa,  What else!
for Jocondine

3 commentaires:

  1. Lovely stitching! How fun to stitch on holiday!

  2. Lovely stitching, hope you had a lovely holiday.

  3. How lovely to see you stitching the Mona Lisa too! What count fabric are you using?
    Hope you had a lovely holiday.
